Anon, British Artists in Glass. 'Around the Corner'. An exhibtion of recent worls by members of British Artists in Glass 1981 £60.00
Anon, Chairman Mao is the red sun in our hearts (Celebrating the 17th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China) 1966 £200.00
Anon, Chairman Mao reviewed the Chinese People's Liberation Army at Beijing Xiyuan Airport c.1965 £85.00
Anon, Collection of Souvenir Programmes for Gala theatre Performances, 1948 - 1983 1948 - 1973 £75.00
Anon, Comrade Mao Zedong, Comrade Lin Biao, Comrade Zhou Enlai, Comrade Liu Shaoqi, Comrade Deng Xiaoping, Comrade Chen Yun together 1963 £185.00
Anon, Every Frontier is Decisive. Scars are the marks of a man's life. Defending Stalingrad c.1965 £200.00
Anon, Improve culture and move towards a modernized and regularized national defence force! 1952 £300.00
Anon, In 1958, Chairman Mao said during his inspection in Qiliyan, Henan: "The people's commune is good" 1972 £185.00
Anon, Invest in National Savings, prosperity depends on what you do with what you've got c. 1948 £250.00
Anon, Long live the victory of the literary and artistic line of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution! 1969 £200.00
Anon, People of the world unite, overthrow U.S. imperialism! Overthrow Soviet revisionism! Overthrow reactionaries in all countries! 1971 £225.00
Anon, Photo-Realism. Paintings, sculpture and prints from the Ludwig Collection and others 1973 £150.00
Anon, Power comes from the barrel of a gun. Warm congratulations to the people of the three Indochina countries for their great victory in the war against the US and saving the nation 1970 £200.00
Anon, Prepare for war and famine, for the people!! We must liberate Taiwan! Be vigilant and defend the motherland c.1969 £200.00
Anon, The Third Review of the Cultural Revolution Army. The great leader Chairman Mao waves to us. 1966 £195.00
Anon, Theatre box door number plate from the London Opera House (later the Stoll theatre) 1911 £145.00
Anon, Third World. The Chinese people cannot be insulted. The People of the world cannot be bullied c.1975 £160.00
Anon, Victorian Earl in the Artic. The travels and collections of the fifth earl of Lonsdale 1989 £70.00
Anon, You must care about national affairs and carry the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution through to the end! 1968 £185.00