Original political poster, The world's revolutionary people love Chairman Mao, People's Republic of China, 1969. The poster depicts the head of Chairman Mao at the centre of the sun and above a multitude of people from many nations, several of whom are holding copies of the Selected Works of Mao Zedong. Numerous banners and placards can also be seen bearing revolutionary slogans

The world's revolutionary people love Chairman Mao


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  • Condition: A-/B+
  • Date: 1969
  • Size: 740 x 510 mm
  • Printer: People's Fine Arts Publishing House
  • Publisher: People's Republic of China

Original political poster, The world's revolutionary people love Chairman Mao, People's Republic of China, 1969. The poster depicts the head of Chairman Mao at the centre of the sun and above a multitude of people from many nations, several of whom are holding copies of the Selected Works of Mao Zedong. Numerous banners and placards can also be seen bearing revolutionary slogans, including: ‘Long Live Chairman Mao’, ‘Oppose modern revisionism!’, ‘Political power comes from the barrel of a gun’, ‘The doctrine of Marxism is complex and can be summed up in one sentence: "Rebellion is justified."’, ‘Workers of the world unite’, ‘Long live the victory of Mao Zedong Thought!’, ‘The proletarians of the world are united by the peoples and nations of Germany’, ‘Vietnam will win, and the US will lose!!’. A higher resolution image is available for viewing on request.