Never Again
Peter KennardOriginal political poster, Never Again, by Peter Kennard, 1983. Photomontage depicting the top half of a human skeleton, with the skull replaced by a mushroom cloud resulting from the explosion of the Hiroshima nuclear bomb. Small white type at the bottom left of the poster reads '8.15am 6-8-45 Hiroshima' and '11.02am 9-8-45 Nagasaki' at the bottom right.
This poster was one of eleven small format posters issued by the Greater London Council with the series title 'GLC Peace Posters Pack’, designed by Kennard with a foreword by E.P. Thompson. The first print run of 800 packs were sent out free of charge to various anti-war and anti-nuclear groups, community groups, schools and local authorities around the UK. A second print run of 2000 were later produced to meet popular demand.
A higher resolution image is available for viewing on request.