just cruising
Peter KennardOriginal political poster, just cruising, by Peter Kennard, 1983. Photomontage depicting a battered Welcome to RAF Greenham Common sign against a post-nuclear wasteland. RAF Greenham Common became the focus for anti-nuclear demonstrations in the early 1980s after the government allowed US Cruise Missiles to be stored there. The site became especially well-known for the Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp established in 1981.
Hand signed by the artist.
This poster was one of eleven small format posters issued by the Greater London Council with the series title 'GLC Peace Posters Pack’, designed by Kennard with a foreword by E.P. Thompson. The first print run of 800 packs were sent out free of charge to various anti-war and anti-nuclear groups, community groups, schools and local authorities around the UK. A second print run of 2000 were later produced to meet popular demand.
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