An original American political poster, He kept our boys out of Northern Ireland, by Jack Rickard and Jerry De Fuccio, 1971.

He kept our boys out of Northern Ireland

Jack Rickard and Jerry De Fuccio

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  • Condition: B (closed tear at top and base, corner pin holes, central fold)
  • Size: 560 x 450 mm
  • Date: 1971
  • Designer: Jack Rickard and Jerry De Fuccio
  • Publisher: Pandora Productions

An original American political poster, He kept our boys out of Northern Ireland, by Jack Rickard and Jerry De Fuccio, 1971. The design features a caricature of President Richard Nixon with outsized head and upraised arms standing before a background of 'stars and stripes' with a blue halo and rising sun red stripes motifs. The poster was produced as an ironic comment about Nixon’s support for UK policies in Northern Ireland at a time of heightened concerns for global human rights and the ongoing conflict in Vietnam. A higher resolution image is available for viewing on request.